Branding Your Poop

Seriously, would you like your brand to be associated with Poop?

Branding Poop Solutions Are Big Business

Doggie Walk Bags started 30 years ago when about 20 percent of apartments accepted pets. That number has grown to 80 percent.

Laws demand that common areas be kept cleaner and safer so there is a need for waste disposal and pick-up products for pet poop.

Let’s take a quick look at some of these common pet solutions for pet parents.

Branding Poop

This company’s pop-out bags remain popular as dogs are considered members of our family.


Branding Poop


These bags are compact and will hold a single roll of poop bags.

Branding PoopThis little pink pouch can attach to your belt. I had one in camouflage that lasted a couple seasons until the velcro became too worn to attach firmly.





Branding Poop


Flexi USA became Pet Adventures Worldwide in 2014 when it expanded its brands.  With that, they also created the retractable leash accessory bag for its Doggo gear affordable brand of pet products.

Branding Poop


These accessory bags, which have been around for more than 10 years, accommodate the traditional poop bag roll sizes.



Branding PoopDoog is an Australian-based company that came to the USA in 2014.

They have designed the Walkie Pouch which holds their pocket pack bags around your dog’s leash.


Branding Poop

Don’t Waste Your Chance For Branding Poop

Believe it or not, you can have your own brand attached to some of these poop solutions just as the featured photo shows The Frederick County Bank (FCB) brand on the poop bag plastic holder.

In most cases, you must order many cases of poop bags in order to have your brand attached.

Here’s Your Chance At Branding The Mystery Poop

So you see there are a variety of poop bags and poop bag holders but no one seems to have developed a discreet poop bag holder that is full of poop!

Some pet people refuse to pick up poop because they don’t want to be seen carrying around a bag of poop, especially if they have a Great Dane.  They would need a small trash can on wheels for that!…okay, I am exaggerating a bit, but not much.

So what if YOU could design a whimsical bag to hold a full bag of poop that would hold in the aroma well enough that you could stop and talk to your neighbor without them holding their nose?

Turdlebag: Branded Dog Poop

But wait!  I found the solution at the Colony Cluster in Richmond, Virginia where I was showing Gusto…he won two 3-point majors plus another 2 points for an awesome weekend…he is on his way towards his AKC championship.

Watch this video to find out more about the solution I am happy to use:


Come back for more Miracle Living With Gusto!



P.S. What is your favorite brand of poop bag holder?






















8 Replies to “Branding Your Poop”

  1. I’m always surprised by the number of people who don’t have a bag holder attached to their leash. They’re scrambling in their pockets, asking people for bags because they forgot them…I have a holder hanging from every leash, and I’m never caught short. I’m afraid I’ll skip the branding and just keep buying the pretty bags I like. Good idea though!

  2. I usually just shove bags in my pocket. I tend to be disorganized and would probably forget a poop bag holder at home so it’s better to just keep bags in my pockets. I am on the hunt for options for earth-friendly bags.

  3. Generally speaking, I put the empty bags in my pockets and just toss the full bag in a nearby trashcan. Most of our walks are through a local park, so it isn’t hard to find a garbage can. If I know I’m going on a long walk, or if its very hot, I’ll bring a water bottle and dish in a canvas tote bag. I can put the full bags in there if needed.

  4. We use Pogi’s Unscented Poop Bags. They’re earth-friendly, tear off and open easily, and they’re a little larger which Matthew likes for his man-hands:) We don’t actually use a dispenser or bag. I usually have several in my pocket. I keep extras in my car, backpack, and treat bag, so we’re usually covered.

  5. Ha, branding your poop; love it. Some of the baggies we tried definitely don’t hold the smell very well at all. I don’t think they need to be scented but somehow they should try to not let the smell penetrate.

  6. Ours is from Although I have used another one for almost 10 years and can’t find it right now. LOL I’ll be one of the 1st in line to purchase an apparatus for post pooping carrying that doesn’t swing so we can use it when exercising and hiking.

  7. I use the plastic poop bag holders that attach to your dog’s leash. I have a lot of them, one for almost every leash we have. I like the DOOG pouch you show here.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

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