Before I lay out 5 Ways to Use Gratitude to Avoid Burnout in the Pet Professions, we should recognize the symptoms of burnout. Continue reading “5 Ways To Use Gratitude To Avoid Burnout”
Should You Buy A Soft Crate For Your Dog?
Soft Dog Crates: Pros & Cons
Dog owners have many choices when it comes to dog crates. They can be made from plastic, metal, wood, or fabric which are otherwise known as soft crates. Continue reading “Should You Buy A Soft Crate For Your Dog?”
Pet Sitters: Pros & Cons
There are many Pros and a few Cons to Hiring Pet Sitters
So WHY should you hire a pet sitter?
Why Are Pets Given Up?
As Gusto and I were out walking, we talked to different individuals about why pets are given up. We came across a woman at the church who was cleaning out the flower beds before winter sets in. Continue reading “Why Are Pets Given Up?”